Identify 100 things that make me happy! ☺
- I love sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- My family
- Jumping on my horse and galloping across beautiful fields
- Writing about every exciting detail of my life in my journal
- Cranking up the music in my car when I'm alone (or with a car load of people, too ☺)
- Babies. My heart simply melts when I hold their little bodies in my arms.
- Taking pictures. (Facebook would never reveal this secret ☺)
- Mountains, thunder, waterfalls
- People that laugh!
- BYU and everything about it!!!
- Getting all dolled up for formal dances and special occasions
- Temples. When I look up at them, or as I gaze around when I am inside, I feel like I am of royal birth, like a queen, like I'm special...I know who I am.
- Setting goals and going after them
- Making my parents proud and happy
- Hot baths
- Organizing big ideas or activities and making them happen
- Hearing the birds singing in the morning!
- Hiking to the top of a mountain to think
- When my mom tickles my face. "If I were a cat, I would be purring by now!" ☺
- Flowers
- Running full speed toward a wood floor in my socks, and then sliding across it!!!
- People who cry happy means they are softies ☺
- The reflection of mountains in a lake or pond
- Watching Disney movies
- Strawberry and Raspberry Lemonade!
- Sunsets and sunrises
- Visiting new places and learning about other cultures!
- Ballroom dancing, especially the Cha-cha
- Snuggling up during the winter in a fluffy, soft blanket. And I recently discovered that I snuggle up to the fireplace, even when it isn't on. I also love snuggling into bed with Mom and Dad when I get home at night, and talking about life. Dad tends to fall asleep as Mom and I giggle and shake the bed, until he wakes up and sends me to my own room. ☺
- The smell of Cal Ranch (shoulder shrug) I don't know why!!!
- When I come home and someone runs around the corner, super excited to see me!
- Sippling hot chocolate in the kitchen with my mom and talking about the day
- Playing the piano
- "Ding-dong-ditch", but I only do the GOOD ding-dong-ditching ☺
- Pushing myself to do the best I can
- Day dreaming. I love it when I zone out, dreaming about something, and then snap back into the real world and realize that I have a big grin on my face.
- Good country, love songs ♥
- Driving with the horse trailer hooked up behind. It gives me a feeling of freedom, power, and...cowgirl-ism. ☺
- Flag football!
- Singing in a quartet with male and female voices
- Running in the early morning, or late evening. It's very..peaceful.
- Being creative and trying new things
- Taking NAPS ☺
- Green, rolling hills on a sunny day!
- Working hard all day, then coming home and laying flat on my back on the floor.
- Boating with friends and family!
- Riding bikes in the evening with my mom
- Drinking Vitamin D or Whole Milk! Haven't broken a bone in my body yet...!
- Earning money and SAVING it.
- The feeling of being sore after a good, hard workout
- Kneeling down and praying
- Reading the Book of Mormon
- Giving great, big hugs!!!
- Taking a nap under the sun and getting a tan
- Fireworks!!!
- Chinese and Thai food
- Giving speeches, talks, or any kind of public speaking
- My trophies, ribbons, rosettes, etc from horse showing during my younger years. They hold lots and lots of memories with the best horse I could ever dream of!
- Music from the Man From Snowy River!!!
- The sound of sprinkler pipes in the evening on the farm
- Swimming with horses in a river or pond
- PEOPLE. It's nice to be alone in a quiet place once in a while, but I can't be alone for too long.
- Big, fluffy clouds!
- Eyes! I love looking into people's eyes...they are said to be the window to their soul, you know! ☺
- Lucky perfume!
- Big, diamond rings! ☺
- Singing in the shower
- Making slide show movies
- Making lists (obviously) ☺
- Baby-sitting
- Baking homemade pies! I especially love cutting the dough and "lacing" a design on the top!
- Elegant pillars on a house and old fashioned bridges!
- The smell of apple flavored horse treats...I haven't tasted them, but they sure smell good!
- Playing date tag in the Tanner Building at BYU
- Shiny, black grand pianos!!!
- Watching wedding videos and dreaming of my own when I get married
- Hearing about miracles and inspirational stories
- The smell of soil pep
- Listening to a creek, while reading a book
- Watching my dad get excited about something and pacing just a little
- Fresh mangos
- Long eyelashes
- Good smelling lotion
- Performing on stage, having the blinding spotlight in my face in a dark auditorium and presenting something that I have put a lot of work into
- Baby horses are on of my FAVORITE things
- Rolling the window down on the passenger's side when I drive by a sprinkler and getting my passenger a little wet ☺
- The smell of freshly cut hay
- The smell of Lysol, or a squeaky clean house!
- Sitting on the porch during a thunderstorm
- Playing the piano and singing with friends and family
- The feeling at Christmas time. The feeling of Love.
- Funny tan lines
- When Mom leaves the house messy to run an errand and comes back after I've got it sparkling clean
- Brother Bott, a professor at BYU. He is spiritual, but in a "gung-ho!" way. He motivates me to be the best I can be.
- Sewing or cross-stitching projects
- Traveling!!!
- Learning about finances.
- Josh Groban's voice!!
- Running and doing speed drills, while listening to "pump up" music, and imagining playing or competing in something competitive ☺
- Fresh raspberries and peas