Identify 100 things that make me happy! ☺

  1. I love sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  2. My family
  3. Jumping on my horse and galloping across beautiful fields
  4. Writing about every exciting detail of my life in my journal
  5. Cranking up the music in my car when I'm alone (or with a car load of people, too ☺)
  6. Babies. My heart simply melts when I hold their little bodies in my arms.
  7. Taking pictures. (Facebook would never reveal this secret ☺)
  8. Mountains, thunder, waterfalls
  9. People that laugh!
  10. BYU and everything about it!!!
  11. Getting all dolled up for formal dances and special occasions
  12. Temples. When I look up at them, or as I gaze around when I am inside, I feel like I am of royal birth, like a queen, like I'm special...I know who I am.
  13. Setting goals and going after them
  14. Making my parents proud and happy
  15. Hot baths
  16. Organizing big ideas or activities and making them happen
  17. Hearing the birds singing in the morning!
  18. Hiking to the top of a mountain to think
  19. When my mom tickles my face. "If I were a cat, I would be purring by now!" ☺
  20. Flowers
  21. Running full speed toward a wood floor in my socks, and then sliding across it!!!
  22. People who cry happy means they are softies ☺
  23. The reflection of mountains in a lake or pond
  24. Watching Disney movies
  25. Strawberry and Raspberry Lemonade!
  26. Sunsets and sunrises
  27. Visiting new places and learning about other cultures!
  28. Ballroom dancing, especially the Cha-cha
  29. Snuggling up during the winter in a fluffy, soft blanket. And I recently discovered that I snuggle up to the fireplace, even when it isn't on. I also love snuggling into bed with Mom and Dad when I get home at night, and talking about life. Dad tends to fall asleep as Mom and I giggle and shake the bed, until he wakes up and sends me to my own room. ☺
  30. The smell of Cal Ranch (shoulder shrug) I don't know why!!!
  31. When I come home and someone runs around the corner, super excited to see me!
  32. Sippling hot chocolate in the kitchen with my mom and talking about the day
  33. Playing the piano
  34. "Ding-dong-ditch", but I only do the GOOD ding-dong-ditching ☺
  35. Pushing myself to do the best I can
  36. Day dreaming. I love it when I zone out, dreaming about something, and then snap back into the real world and realize that I have a big grin on my face.
  37. Good country, love songs ♥
  38. Driving with the horse trailer hooked up behind. It gives me a feeling of freedom, power, and...cowgirl-ism. ☺
  39. Flag football!
  40. Singing in a quartet with male and female voices
  41. Running in the early morning, or late evening. It's very..peaceful.
  42. Being creative and trying new things
  43. Taking NAPS ☺
  44. Green, rolling hills on a sunny day!
  45. Working hard all day, then coming home and laying flat on my back on the floor.
  46. Boating with friends and family!
  47. Riding bikes in the evening with my mom
  48. Drinking Vitamin D or Whole Milk! Haven't broken a bone in my body yet...!
  49. Earning money and SAVING it.
  50. The feeling of being sore after a good, hard workout
  51. Kneeling down and praying
  52. Reading the Book of Mormon
  53. Giving great, big hugs!!!
  54. Taking a nap under the sun and getting a tan
  55. Fireworks!!!
  56. Chinese and Thai food
  57. Giving speeches, talks, or any kind of public speaking
  58. My trophies, ribbons, rosettes, etc from horse showing during my younger years. They hold lots and lots of memories with the best horse I could ever dream of!
  59. Music from the Man From Snowy River!!!
  60. The sound of sprinkler pipes in the evening on the farm
  61. Swimming with horses in a river or pond
  62. PEOPLE. It's nice to be alone in a quiet place once in a while, but I can't be alone for too long.
  63. Big, fluffy clouds!
  64. Eyes! I love looking into people's eyes...they are said to be the window to their soul, you know! ☺
  65. Lucky perfume!
  66. Big, diamond rings! ☺
  67. Singing in the shower
  68. Making slide show movies
  69. Making lists (obviously) ☺
  70. Baby-sitting
  71. Baking homemade pies! I especially love cutting the dough and "lacing" a design on the top!
  72. Elegant pillars on a house and old fashioned bridges!
  73. The smell of apple flavored horse treats...I haven't tasted them, but they sure smell good!
  74. Playing date tag in the Tanner Building at BYU
  75. Shiny, black grand pianos!!!
  76. Watching wedding videos and dreaming of my own when I get married
  77. Hearing about miracles and inspirational stories
  78. The smell of soil pep
  79. Listening to a creek, while reading a book
  80. Watching my dad get excited about something and pacing just a little
  81. Fresh mangos
  82. Long eyelashes
  83. Good smelling lotion
  84. Performing on stage, having the blinding spotlight in my face in a dark auditorium and presenting something that I have put a lot of work into
  85. Baby horses are on of my FAVORITE things
  86. Rolling the window down on the passenger's side when I drive by a sprinkler and getting my passenger a little wet ☺
  87. The smell of freshly cut hay
  88. The smell of Lysol, or a squeaky clean house!
  89. Sitting on the porch during a thunderstorm
  90. Playing the piano and singing with friends and family
  91. The feeling at Christmas time. The feeling of Love.
  92. Funny tan lines
  93. When Mom leaves the house messy to run an errand and comes back after I've got it sparkling clean
  94. Brother Bott, a professor at BYU. He is spiritual, but in a "gung-ho!" way. He motivates me to be the best I can be.
  95. Sewing or cross-stitching projects
  96. Traveling!!!
  97. Learning about finances.
  98. Josh Groban's voice!!
  99. Running and doing speed drills, while listening to "pump up" music, and imagining playing or competing in something competitive ☺
  100. Fresh raspberries and peas

Learn how to drive a stick shift car

"Chug...chug...chug...boom! Whip-lash! Giggling! Cardiac arrest (or what seemed like it)! Rebecca Ross was the brave soul that allowed me to drive her car and taught me how to drive a standard! I was a nervous wreck and she was calm and patient. We chugged-a-chug-chugged along Bates Road several times as I practiced. Ok, it was not that dramatic, but my heart sure was pounding! I didn't kill it until I tried to park, several minutes after driving around and shifting. And I only killed it a few times. =) Now no one at work can make fun of me, because I now know how to drive a stick shift vehicle!!! THANK YOU BECCA!

Sew a Patch Quilt

I bought the fabric in the Summer of 2008. I'm surprised it didn't get mold or cobwebs because it sat in the closet for 2 years, untouched. Finally, I returned home from my first year of college at BYU, and set a goal to finish the quilt during the summer! After hours of dedication, my mom cutting the fabric, and my own on sewing, the quilt was completed the day I went back down to Provo. It was a close call, but it is DONE!!! :) Now it gets to wait patiently in my hope chest or "truso", as my mother would call it, until the day I get married and have a house and husband of my own.

Bike a "marathon"

Not only did I bike 28 miles, but I biked 28 miles with Al Young, who has biked all over the world. She went on The Odyssey, which is a year long bike trip, biking on 6 of the 7 continents! As we biked to work, she would tell me all about her adventures. She also wrote and published a book about her travels. Al is one amazing woman, and she got me into biking! (P.S. This picture is not of me, haha!) =)

Hike Table Rock

I made it to the top!!!! We left at 5:30 am and returned at about 4:00pm! A group of the 4th Year hikers at Girl's Camp made the journey!